My LACHSA Experience 2023-24

June 2024: Farewell LACHSA

I have learned much during my year at LACHSA. I am the kind of person that loves working for and with children in a caring and supportive, community building environment.  I am also a professional artivist, scholar and cultural worker, so I work best in psychologically safe environments that are creative, flexible, democratic, anti-racist, anti-elitist and communicative.

I will continue to be student focused, dedicated to creating an environment where ALL students feel safe, valued and successful. I enjoy working in a team and I am willing to listen, bend, work and find creative solutions to challenges that come up. 

My work ethic tends to be a force that enjoys making positive changes happen whenever possible. I grow and thrive working in spaces that strive to support a culture of equity, transparency, democracy, social justice, ant-racism, and accountability; places that allow me to practice all these things while respecting, supporting and valuing my expertise as a highly skilled professional, as a woman of color and as a human being. I will miss the students and good people of LACHSA and I look forward to new beginnings in the future.

A robust and relevant Visual Arts Education addresses themes of
environmentalism while connecting to:
National Core Arts Standards & Studio Thinking or Studio Habits of Mind framework 
(developed by
Harvard University’s Project Zero) 


Welcome to LACHSA


This summer had some unexpected gifts & surprises.

In June, I left my elementary art career in Culver City to be closer to home & family. I was prepared to live out another 12+ years of my life as a dedicated elementary visual art teacher. I was grateful for another opportunity to help build my 6th elementary art program, on a cart, from scratch in a new district this fall.

HOWEVER: I received an opportunity to interview for LACHSA (Los Angeles County High School for the Arts), situated on the Cal State LA Campus. As many of you may understand, rejections can make anyone weary when job hunting. But I decided to dust myself off, get a hair cut and try the interview process once more.

And now, I am pleased to announce, STARTING this FALL, I will begin my position as SENIOR PROGRAM SPECIALIST & CHAIRPERSON OF THE VISUAL ARTS DEPARTMENT at LACHSA. In case you didn't know, LACHSA ( just 10 minutes from my home), is known as the #1 High School for the Arts in the Nation!

My feelings are still catching up with this new life path here at LACHSA. I'm truly honored and looking forward to working with what seems like a warm and welcoming team of people who are thrilled/excited to work with me. I'm looking forward to a year of new beginnings, good work/life balance, growth and creative curricula achievements.

I want to give thanks for the lessons, adventures, and abundance that is on the way. I am so grateful to my family & friends, all my amazing peers, mentors, mentees, and those who have trusted, supported and prepared me for this moment.

May we all find humility, confidence & strength and opportunities to clear a path and create new opportunities and abundance in the world.

#gratitude #buildingcreativecommunities #10minutecommutes

#NewBeginnings #visualartseducation #sisepuede #brownartteachersmatter #wishmeluck #feelslikehome #Yay #XicanaArtistsMatter #ChicanasinArtsEducation #wishmeluck


BMAS: Soy Artista Dry Point Printmaking Workshop